Clinics and Training Sessions
May 17, 18 and 19
I am working towards another Cowdog Production Sale May 17-19, 2013. The cowdog demonstrations and auction are May 17. May 18 and 19 will be days for the new cowdog owners to receive hands on training with their new purchases. The schedule of events for the sale cowdogs and pups will be the same as previous cowdogdays events. Guests should arrive by noon on May 17, 2013. The demonstrations begin at 1:00 p.m. Following the demonstrations, buyers will be given time to list their buyer number on the bid sheets for the cowdogs they are interested in bidding on. Saturday and Sunday will have hands-on training sessions for the individuals who purchase cowdogs or puppies. The Saturday and Sunday sessions are also open to individuals that simply want to watch the sessions. There will be a fee for auditing the training sessions (for people who want to watch the sessions and did not or were not interested in purchasing a cowdog or pup at the sale on Friday). The weekend event is open to folks of all ages, kids to adults.
Lodging and airport information is posted on my blog. New and revised information will be posted on my blog and website up until the date of the event. The weekend is a lot of fun, so plan now to attend! You will enjoy watching the cowdogs work and meeting new friends.